Travel Safety: Top Travel Scams


When you travel abroad to a new country, it is important that you don’t fall victim to a travel scam. Locals are well versed in terms of scamming, but you may not be. This article will equip you with the tips you need in order to avoid being scammed by a local.

There are plenty of locals dressed in fake police garb out to get your money. You will usually be approached by someone dressed in a police officer’s uniform and are asked to see your passport. The fake police officer will claim that there is something wrong with your visa, but you won’t get in trouble if you pay a certain fine, using cash right now. Stand up for yourself and demand that the “police officer” take you into the local police station. Usually, this will get the fake officer to leave you alone and will claim your error is excused.

As you peruse the local stores, you may be approached by a rickshaw or cab driver who offers you an irresistible deal on gems or carpets. This person will offer you a deal you feel that you can’t refuse. Really think again, because the gems you’re offered are fake and the carpet probably won’t survive the transport home. Instead of spending your money on fake, too good to be true deals, find a real dealer and purchase an item that’s worth the investment.

Taxi drivers usually try to get more money out of you by driving you around crowded streets to increase the fare. If it seems inevitable that you need a taxi, make sure you hire one from a reputable company. Always agree on the fare before you get inside of the car or pay ahead of time to ensure you get your money’s worth.

When you think you know everything, there is the simple yet effective bird poop scam. You will feel a splat as bird poop lands on your body and a “helpful” stranger will appear out of nowhere to lend a hand with his towel. You are sure to be confused and in that confusion, your valuables are removed and your pockets emptied. In another variation, someone spills condiments or mustard on your shirt.

Male travelers will often be approached by good looking local girls and they will find themselves entranced by idle chatting. Once the local girls gain your trust, you may offer to take them to a local coffee shop or a bar. As is custom, you offer to put whatever they order on your tab. The girls will often disappear from sight and you are left with a shocking tab that amounts to hundreds of dollars.

Tourists often fall for the obvious motorcycle scam. You may have had a dream of cruising down local territory with a scooter or motorcycle. When you go to the rental company, you will be handed one key and the rental company keeps the other. When you park your scooter at your destination, the rental company will send someone to “steal” the scooter back. According to the contract you signed, you have to pay the full price of the “stolen” motorcycle.

There are so many vicious predators in the world trying to take advantage of the kindly tourist. This article has hopefully helped open your eyes to the many scams on an international level. Use the tips from this article to ensure your travel safety abroad!
